Infernal Museum

The Galactic Mindsea Empire will arise when scientists discover an aspect of reality hinted at in the contradictions of Quantum Physics and presaged as the implicate order of physicist David Bohm.

There is another way to interpret spacetime, matter and energy, known to imperial patternists as "The Deep."

Employing nonlocal characteristics of the Deep, imperial science will make the breakthroughs in superluminal communications and travel necessary to hold together a galactic empire.

A few humans possess the ability to directly perceive phenomena of the Deep. They are known as mindseas.

This is the question facing citizens of the Empire: can they and should they evolve into Deep-level beings? Throughout a hundred thousand years of history, various mindseas have tried to force their visions of evolution upon the galaxy, usually with cataclysmic results. Is there no end to the succession of disasters?

To learn about the Empire, begin with a quick overview on the Galactic Mindsea Empire in a Nutshell page.